Availability Calendar
& Online Booking
Here you can check on specific availability for each caravan, book online and pay your deposit.
The calendar shows availability for each caravan, the darker green squares show arrival dates, any period marked as red is already booked, black means the caravan is not available to book for that date.
If you require any other length of stay than those shown please contact us.
As private caravan guests pre booking of shows is not possible and you will need to join the non-booked queue, we have had no feedback or complaints from our guests saying they were unable to see a show many of them repeat anyway​.
Soft Play - Guests will just need to book a session on arrival at a booking point, (We would advise calling into reception at 9am prompt if you wished to book.)
Entertainment venues - Guests will continue to join the non booked queue to access the venues. Reds and The Pig and Whistle are free flow venues.
Other Activities - Any other activities may be booked at the caravan reception or any booking point upon arrival, it is not possible to book these before your arrival.​
Food Packages - You cannot book a Butlins food package when booking with a private owner.
As reminder we at Sue's Caravans are providers of holiday caravans on the resort we have no control of availability of or access to any shows or activities provided by a third party (Butlins).
We have had no reports of guests being unable to do the things they wish or see the shows they wish at all, however, even before booking of shows was introduced there was never a guarantee that you would get to see any particular show for example, this applies to Butlins own guests too. Shows repeat up to 3 times a day too! ​​​​
A £100 deposit is charged in addition to the hire cost of the holiday home and is fully refundable if the caravan is left clean tidy and undamaged in anyway with all items present. Deposits can take up to 14 days to refund so please take this into consideration when booking, usually they are processed within 48 hours of departure but can take longer.